Thursday, 19 July 2007


On Monday, after presiding at a funeral I made my way down to the Carmelite friary in Faversham, where I was able to celebrate the feast with my Carmelite brothers there. It was a good oportunity to catch up on the province news and what is happening round about.
On tuesday I did some visiting - First to Aylesford Priory and Fr Alphie, whi isn't enjoying the best of health these days but is always welcoming and a joy to be with. Then on to visit my dear dad in his care home. My father is in the advanced stages of Altzheimer's disease and my weekly visits are always difficult for me. He always seems to summon a smile from somewhere, although I know that he struggles to remember who I am and what my connection is to him. A stroke has made his speach almost impossible to understand and that combined with the Altzheimer's makes communication very hard - a bit like swimming in treacle with your hands tied behind your back. The way I get through these visits is by remembering the wonderful, tender, funny and holy man that has fathered me for 40 years. I have nothing but lovely memories of him.

Back to the parish last night. Today I am celebrating Mass with the children and staff of our primary school - always a delight!

Be well and happy.:-)

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