Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Craig Lodge Youth Festival 2007

One of my favourite places is Criag Lodge House of Prayer in Dalmally, Scotland. Situated in the western highlands this beautiful place is an oasis of prayer and community. Last weekend young people from all over Britain and Ireland met together to pray and become community for a few days. It was awesome. Craig Lodge is a place where you can sense prayer happening, a holy place made holy by ordinary people.

The theme of the gathering was ‘A Call to Holiness’, and I sensed from quite early on and from my own experience that there was a sense that this call to be holy was meant for someone other than me. I need to explain that! I often think that when we speak of holiness we must be speaking about somebody other than ourselves because we never see ourselves as that person. We have been seduced by the lie that we are unloveable, un-noticed, that we don’t matter. We seldom see ourselves as blest, holy, beautiful and loveable. Young people seem to feel this quite keenly, and as they journey into their middle years they take that baggage with them. It is a lie! A huge untruth that veils people with misery. As I was speaking with these young people, I found myself trying to get people to see themselves as people of potential and giftedness, people alive with possibilities and bursting with an ache to love and be loved. Maybe we should all pray for the grace to see ourselves as God sees us. God’s vision of us is alive with love, mercy and creativity.

Check out the Craig Lodge community at their website.


Be sure to check out Mary’s Meals.

Be well and happy

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