Friday 3 July 2009

Celebrating lives

One of the joys of the ordained ministry is being able to celebrate with family and friends the important moments of their lives. The last weekend saw me presiding at the wedding of friends in Ireland. It was a day of deep joy. I will preside at the wedding of another couple next weekend. Agsain, I know it will be a graced day (you only have to know them to realise that!)

When we are able to support those we love in the joy's of life, we also are called to be with them in those difficult moments, when a loved one dies and there seems no reason.

I find these word a comfort, when I can find none.

Always Ready ~ Sr Marie Paula.

There is no time to stop and prepare for the journey of death, even if we could. God demands the last day’s labour as well as the first.

He seems to Say: ‘Never mind death. I will take care of that. It is for you to take care of life.’

Just in the right time the hand will be laid on our shoulder, the word whispered in our ear. We must leave the sewing undone, the floor unswept, the plough in the furrow, the story untold, the picture unfinished, the song unsung. We may not, perchance, even kiss our loved ones goodbye.

But let us strive to live, that we may say ‘Yes, Lord, I am ready, always ready; for I need no money for luggage on this journey.

My hand is in thine like a trusting child. I am glad to be nearer to thee, Father, to feel more closely the warmth of thy breast. What I have missed and failed in, thou knowest; my poor feeble, futile efforts to serve thee, thou knowest also.’

There is neither prop nor stay, but in perfect trust it is all the cloak or covering I need. I have lived on the river’s brink all my life, now I am ready to cross with the great pilot.

I thought I knew life here. Oh no! It was an illusion. Now I am to live indeed

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